How Australian Shepherd Puppies Develop

Newborn Australian Shepherd Puppy

How Australian Shepherd Puppies Develop Stage 1: The Neonatal Stage (0-2 weeks) During the neonatal stage, which lasts from birth to around two weeks of age, newborn puppies require special care and attention. As a responsible Australian Shepherd breeder, understanding the needs of these fragile little ones is crucial. Feeding newborn puppies is a top […]

The Puppies Go For A Swim

Australian Shepherd Puppies playing in the water.

The Puppies Go For A Swim Sapphire was the first in the kiddie pool. She bounced right over the edge and in. She splashed around, finding it very fun. Lovey was second and Rory was third. I only filled the pool a couple of inches so it wasn’t too overwhelming for the 10 week old […]